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Publish a lesson on

The free microlearning lessons on are written by designers in our community. If you are interested in publishing a lesson, email Crystal Hunter will guide you through the lesson development process, providing free coaching and subject matter expertise along the way. 


Possible topics include:

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Instructional methods

  • Development tools

  • Process improvement

  • Stakeholder management

  • UX/UI design principles


Terms of Participation

By engaging as a contributor for LXD Factory, you acknowledge and agree that your involvement, encompassing content submission, feedback provision, or engagement in discussions, is strictly for voluntary learning purposes and does not establish, imply, or guarantee any present or future employment relationship, contractual obligation, or financial remuneration from LXD Factory. You participate at your own discretion, with LXD Factory reserving the right to accept, reject, modify, or remove contributions without prior notice. Your participation does not confer ownership rights, intellectual property claims, or financial benefits related to the platform or its contents, and all such rights remain vested in LXD Factory or respective rights holders. These terms may be modified at any time without prior notice, and it is your responsibility to stay informed and comply with the latest terms. By participating, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless LXD Factory and its founders from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from your contributions or participation. Continued participation implies acceptance of these terms; if you disagree with any part, refrain from contributing to LXD Factory.

Write a lesson for

Creating a self-paced lesson for LXD Factory is a four-step process:

  1. Learn about our learners.

  2. Create a detailed design.

  3. Write the lesson script.

  4. Conduct a quality assurance review.


Learn more about each step below.

1. Learn about our learners.

Review the persona and persona spectrum in the "Write for learning audiences" lesson, which represent our learning audience. Consider the lessons that are already published and identify topics our audience needs to learn about to talk the walk, walk the walk, and/or win the work. Submit your lesson idea to

2. Create a detailed design.

For our purposes, a detailed design identifies a lesson's learning path, author, estimated learning time, objective(s), sections, content, and instructional methods. LXD Factory will send you a sample detailed design and template.

  1. Conduct research and gather content and instructional method ideas for the lesson.

  2. Complete and submit your detailed design for review by tagging in a comment.

3. Write the lesson script.

After your detailed design is approved, it is time to write your lesson script. LXD Factory will send you a sample lesson script and template. ​​

  1. Compare your lesson script to the style guide to ensure you're using proper word choice, headings, etc. 

  2. Check the word count to ensure the full article (excluding multimedia) is within 500 - 1,750 words (the equivalent of 2 - 7 minutes based on an average 250 wpm reading time).

  3. Submit your lesson for review by tagging in a comment. Once approved, your lesson will be published on

4. Conduct a quality assurance review.

Conduct a quality assurance (QA) review using the checklist provided in the "Conduct a quality assurance review" lesson.

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