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Keri Shurtliff

Create a learner communication plan

“What are the benefits of a learner communication plan?”

“What are best practices when creating and implementing a communication plan?”

“What types of deliverables might learning designers include in a communication plan?”

“What are best practices for defining key messages in a communication plan?”

“Which communication channels might learning designers use to announce learning programs?”

A learner communication plan is a strategic document designed by learning designers to facilitate effective communication with learners throughout a learning program. The document outlines the purpose, methods, and benefits of communication, ensuring learners receive the necessary information, support, and engagement. By implementing a well-crafted, in-depth communication plan, learning designers can optimize learner engagement, satisfaction, and overall learning outcomes.

Through this lesson, you should be able to create a learner communication plan to announce and support a learning program.

What are the benefits of a learner communication plan?

Some key benefits of creating a learner communication plan include the following:

  • Enhancing learner engagement: When learning designers actively engage learners by providing timely and relevant information, including details about learning objectives, expectations, resources, assessments, and progress tracking, it creates a sense of involvement and motivates learners to actively participate.

  • Clarifying learning objectives: Learning designers can clearly communicate the learning objectives, outcomes, and expectations to learners, establishing a shared understanding of the purpose of the learning program, what learners will achieve, and how they will be assessed.

  • Managing learner expectations: Learning designers can manage learner expectations by outlining the timeline, milestones, and any changes or updates of the learning program. This transparency helps learners plan their time and be aware of any potential disruptions or adjustments to the learning experience.

  • Facilitating collaboration and interaction: Learning designers can promote collaboration and interaction among learners. They can include guidelines and platforms for discussions, group work, or peer feedback, fostering a sense of community and enabling learners to learn from and support each other.

  • Encouraging learner feedback and evaluation: Learning designers can include mechanisms for learners to provide feedback on the program, which helps them assess the effectiveness of their instructional strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall learning experience.

  • Establishing a positive learning environment: Regular and effective communication contributes to creating a positive learning environment. When learners feel supported, informed, and connected, they are more likely to stay motivated, actively participate, and achieve their learning goals.

In summary, a learner communication plan serves the purpose of engaging learners, clarifying objectives, fostering collaboration, managing expectations, collecting feedback, and establishing a positive learning environment.

What are best practices when creating and implementing a communication plan?

When learning designers create and implement a communication plan, it requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Here are some best practices to consider when creating and implementing a communication plan:

By following these best practices, you can create and implement a communication plan that effectively engages learners, provides clear information, and supports their learning journey.

What types of deliverables might learning designers include in a communication plan?

Learning designers may include various types of deliverables in a communication plan to effectively communicate with learners. These deliverables can vary depending on the specific needs of the learning program. Here are some common examples:

  • Program outline: A detailed outline of the program may include learning objectives, schedule, assessment methods, and any specific requirements. It provides learners with a comprehensive overview of what will be covered and what is expected from them.

  • Communication schedule: This schedule outlines the regular communication plan, indicating the frequency, timing, and channels of communication, ensuring learners are aware of when they can expect updates, reminders, or announcements.

  • Announcements and updates: Learning designers can regularly communicate important announcements and updates to learners, including changes in schedule, upcoming assessments, additional resources, or any other relevant information.

  • Assignment instructions: For each assignment, detailed instructions should be provided to guide learners on the expectations, submission guidelines, and assessment criteria.

  • Technical support information: If the learning program involves online platforms or technology, information on technical support and troubleshooting can be included, ensuring learners have access to assistance if they encounter any technical difficulties.

  • Evaluation and feedback mechanisms: Learning designers can provide learners with opportunities to provide feedback on content, instructional strategies, or the learning experience as a whole through surveys, feedback forms, or discussion forums.

These deliverables help ensure clear and consistent communication between learning designers and learners, providing them with the necessary information, guidance, and support throughout their learning journey.

What are best practices of defining key messages in a communication plan?

Defining key messages is an important aspect of a communication plan. Here are some best practices for learning designers when defining key messages:

  • Identify the learning objectives: Key messages should align closely with the learning objectives of the program, clearly articulating what learners should know or be able to do after completing the learning experience.

  • Keep it clear and concise: Key messages should be clear, concise, and easily understandable by the target audience.

  • Tailor to the learner's perspective: Consider taking a learner-centric approach by framing key messages from the learner's perspective, highlighting how the information is relevant, useful, and applicable to their needs or goals.

  • Make it relevant: Emphasize the practical applications of the key messages through connecting concepts to real-life scenarios, examples, or case studies that resonate with learners.

  • Utilize visuals and multimedia: Consider incorporating images, diagrams, videos, or interactive elements to support the communication of key messages and engage different learning styles.

  • Reinforce through repetition: Look for opportunities to repeat and reinforce the core concepts in summaries, practice activities, assessments, or interactive discussions.

  • Evaluate and refine: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the key messages by gathering feedback from learners.

By following these best practices, learning designers can effectively define key messages that are clear, relevant, engaging, and aligned with the learning objectives. This improves learner understanding, retention, and application of the key concepts presented in the learning program.

Which communication channels might learning designers use to announce learning programs?

When creating a communication plan, learning designers should include the variety of communication channels they plan to use to announce their learning programs. The selection of channels they use depends on factors such as the target audience, the organization's communication infrastructure, and the desired reach and impact. Here are some common communication channels they use:

  • Email: Emails can be personalized, include detailed information about the learning program, and provide links to additional resources or registration portals.

  • Learning management system (LMS): If the organization has an LMS or online learning platform, designers can post announcements, notifications, or pop-up messages within the LMS to inform learners about the upcoming programs.

  • Intranet or employee portals: Designers can post announcements on these internal platforms, making it easily accessible to employees as they access company-related information.

  • Social media: If appropriate for the situation, leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook can help reach a wider audience and create buzz around the learning program.

  • Printed posters and flyers: For learners who are physically present in a specific location, designers can create and display flyers in common areas.

  • Direct communication from managers: In some cases, managers can personally communicate with learners to announce the learning program through team meetings, one-on-one conversations, or personal emails to ensure direct and personalized communication.

By utilizing a combination of these communication channels, learning designers can effectively announce learning programs and reach their intended audience, ensuring maximum participation and engagement in the learning experience.

Summary and next steps

Learning designers create communication plans to enhance learner engagement, clarify learning objectives, manage learner expectations, facilitate collaboration and interactions, encourage learner feedback and evaluation, and establish a positive learning environment. To do this effectively, it’s important to implement best practices and define key messages. As a result, you’ll be able to clearly present and announce your learning program through effective communication channels to reach your target audience.

Now that you are familiar with creating a learner communication plan, continue to the next lesson in LXD Factory’s Implement series: Support live training sessions.


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